8th Graders, Prospective Members, Future Raptors…
You are about to make one of the most important decisions of your high school career. One that could open the door to many musical adventures and opportunities. Register for Band and be part of something incredible!
Incoming Band Member FAQ
How do I register for band class? Enter the course code for Band on the registration cards provided by the ERHS Counselors.
What if I didn't register, but I changed my mind and want to be in band? Contact Mr. Comeau & the ERHS Counseling Department. They can easily change your course request information.
Can I audition for the advanced band? Yes. Contact Mr. Comeau to setup an audition. Auditions consist of playing major & minor scales and two musical excerpts of your choice, one technical and one lyrical.
When do I signup for Marching Band? Registration for the Marching Raptors will occur in the spring of your 8th grade year. Information will go out via your middle school band director in early April. The Band Calendar currently includes all curently set marching band events and dates.
Do I have to be in band to be in marching band? Yes. Being in band opens doors to co-curricular activities like marching band, jazz band, pep-band, drumline, and much more!
Did I hear something about a trip? The band program regularly takes performance tours with our various ensembles. In recent years, the marching band traveled to Florida, California, Hawaii, & New Orleans. Our touring schedule is set so that students have the opportunity to participate in regular smaller-scale trips and at least one large-scale trip during their high school career.
Incoming Band Parent FAQ
How do I get involved with the Band Boosters? Come to one of our monthly meetings. Usually the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm in the ERHS Band Room. See the Band Calendar for specific dates & times. You can also e-mail the boosters with questions anytime.
How does registration work? All incoming band members register using the same course code. Over the summer they are placed into the proper course based on ability level. Nearly all incoming 9th grade wind players are placed in "Varsity Band" and will appear as "Band" on their schedule. All incoming percussionists are placed in "Percussion Class" and will appear as "Intermediate Band" on their schedule. Advanced high school level musicians are placed into the premiere ensemble "Symphonic Band" by audition only.
Is the Band Program at East Ridge any good? Will my student be challenged? The East Ridge Band program is consistently recognized for excellence in Concert Band & Jazz Ensemble at Minnesota State High School League events and contests. Our marching band has earned local, regional, and national recognition with their performances at home, at the Holiday Bowl in San Diego, and the Waikiki Holiday Parade in Hawaii. Our members regularly earn all-conference & all-state recognition, as well as collegiate scholarship using the musical skills they gain and develop as members of the East Ridge Band program. Wether your student has aspirations to earn a degree in music, or wants to play their instrument and have fun with their friends in high school, the East Ridge Band Program provides a challenging and rewarding experience for all.